I mean this in the best possible way. San Antonio is not only not remotely like Seattle, if cities were equations, you'd think San Antonio is Seattle's absolute, perfect inverse. It's so damned hot here that a fine film of orange, ginger smelling sweat was all over me the moment I stepped outside into the dry heat, which is as relentless as the drizzle in a Seattle November. The quality of Mexican food is seriously amazing with fire-roasted chili-based salsas that have nothing to do with tomatos, garlic, onions, or any other pedestrian defilements. Nothing gets between your tongue and the smoked chilis in these salsas. Top-shelf margaritas have a raw, peppery, crazy kick that make your eyes water, and you couldn't find the like in Seattle if you paid your best friend the bartender to try and make one for you. Ceviche of tilapia so fresh and wonderful with jicama, onions, cilantro, avocado and limes...oh heaven. (As an aside, ceviche is one of those things that either tastes great or like crap and here, it's great.) And well, the politics are sorta not what I'm used to lately. I have enjoyed myself here for the novelty. Whole buses full of Obama-haters who seem pretty upset about well-nigh everything ringed the Alamo for half a day today, for some reason fixating on the birthplace of Texas liberty to express their concern that Obama is going to tell schoolkids they should study harder. This is truly the beginning of socialism in their view. It was amusing to say the least. If I'd had the energy, I would have climbed on a wall and started yelling about the war, but I decided I didn't care about it enough right now to spoil my vacation.
Call me shallow. I'll accept it. Anyhow, San Antonio is fun. I cannot believe I lived so many years in Texas without ever coming here. Tomorrow we're leaving for Padre Island. Mom is actually enjoying herself so far, which has amazed me. It was her choice to continue this trip, and if you knew anything about my mother, you'd know how remarkable this is. More to follow. Meanwhile, enjoy the friendly neighborhood pic of someone who hates the Obamanation. He was pretty riled up. Personally, I think it must be because the bars hadn't opened yet. Some decent salsa and tequila in that fellow would improve his mood immensely.
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