I realize I need to do some backpeddaling to fill in where I am, what I'm doing, and why. Several false-starts on blogging, little internet access, crappy pictures, no agenda have conspired against me to post. But. Right now, I am in Ouray, Colorado, population 800. Ouray sits in a box canyon along San Juan Scenic Byway, around 30 miles from Telluride. The town has several claims to fame, having started in the 1800's as an old silver and gold mining town that due to its beauty and stubborn nature managed to survive, while 100s of other ghost towns around about did not. Ouray is currently the "Jeeping" and "Ice Climbing" "capitals of the world" or the Super Bowl of ice climbing and jeeping as one local describes it. The town benefits from the tourist spill-over from Telluride. The season for guided jeeping is about to close, so I feel fortunate lucking into some research that led me to get a guide to take me up to Imogene Pass.
This trip was exciting for me for so many reasons. First, companions on the trip included 4 professional photographers and travel writers. These folks have my dream job, as I told them. When I have more time, I will describe the trip in detail. It was hair-raising, beautiful, charming in so many ways that it simply was a superlative experience. The pic at right is a view of Red Mountain from the pass summit.
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