Warning: I shall revisit this topic numerous times, hopefully in a more focused fashion. First, Montana is full of some of the friendliest, outgoing people I've met anywhere. And why wouldn't they be?!? They have
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK to play in! 2.2 million acres of biodiversity that includes rare, large mammals like bison, elk, and bears roaming free to cause traffic jams in immense valleys crossed by hundreds of streams and rivers. 2.2 million acres of
geothermal "features" that include hot springs,
fumaroles, geysers, mud volcanoes, and steaming pots of bubbling stuff that smell sulphurous and look menacing. Mountains of sublime beauty with pine that smells like mint. Hosted star parties (next week, drat :() and early morning gatherings of people from around the globe lined up below herds grazing distant hills to catch glimpses of wolves hunting early in the morning.
How funny that I planned to "drive through" Yellowstone on the way to somewhere else. I could reach some conclusions about life, I
s'pose, if I wanted to...but I'm in too good a mood to bother with that!
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